January 2023

January 10, 2023 | No Comments

January 10, 2023

In attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Carley Collins, Cheryl Birkenhauer (ex-officio), Tonya Moryl, Jennifer Fox, Cheryl Chafin, Amy Moore, Bonnie Crabtree, Dawn Fahner (HR), Amy Newson (UPAC Rep)

Call or Order

The official meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. 

*Angie announced that Carley has volunteered to be the new secretary for the year. We still have an open spot on CODI if anyone can volunteer, no volunteers at this time.

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner, Associate Vice President of Human Resources

  • New health insurance cards have been mailed out. Check your mailbox if you haven’t already received yours. Contact HR if you don’t receive yours.
  • W2s will be available on BannerWeb next week sometime. Communication will go out to all employees. Printed W2s will be a little later, but will still be mailed by the Jan 31st deadline for those who opted for a printed W2.
  • Climate survey links will be sent out soon, the survey will open on Jan 25th and stay open until early March. Please encourage others to complete this.
  • Included in the Dec 23, 2022 Miami Matters article it was announced that a replacement for Banner is coming. Workday has been selected as the new platform and will be rolled out in phases during the next 4 years. The first phase is expected to begin late Spring/Summer, they will ask for test subjects to smooth out the kinks. More communication will follow. This will be a slow transition. Banner has been used since 1998.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

A few minor changes were suggested for November’s meeting minutes. Minutes were approved pending those changes- Amy Moore made the motion to approve and Cheryl Chafin seconded.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox – The group discussed changes to the financial savings for those who complete the Healthy Miami requirements, looking to increase these amounts. Looking at other incentives also. Bonnie suggested Miami give employees 1 extra vacation day to use as a “self-care” day to complete those steps. Jennifer will take this suggestion back to the committee.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree – The group is still trying to decide where to put the outdoor classroom, this is an ongoing discussion. The main topic of this meeting was about Miami’s airport. Miami owns 300 acres there, proposing to the City to develop around the airport.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl – no updates
  • Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) – VACANT – no updates
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller – The group has not met since finals week, but they completed their Fall report. Meetings will start back up at the end of January and will be every Friday.
  • Hamilton & Middletown Regional Campus – Tonya Moryl – nothing to reportUniversity Senate – Cheryl Chafin – nothing new to report, Jan 23rd is the next meeting. They did not have a December meeting.
  • UPAC Liaison – Amy Newsome – UPAC group is looking ahead at events coming up, and having UPAC and CPAC tables at those events. New business is that there will be a formal election for the Vice Chair since Lauren Brassfield left at the end of December. They are also trying to think of new guest speakers for UPAC meetings. This brought up the conversation with the CPAC group to have guest speakers occasionally. Brad Grimm will be speaking at the UPAC meeting about the WorkDay rollout, it was suggested that CPAC attend that portion of the UPAC meeting to get this same info and not take up a regularly scheduled CPAC meeting.


  • CPAC Website – Alicia working on getting this up to date, should be done this week
  • CPAC Facebook – Alicia Miller, Carley Collins, and Angie Brown are administrators with editing access. We will use this to promote the upcoming summer conference.
  • Conference in May – discussion about topics and details:
    • Date: Thursday, May 18th, 2023 8:30 am-12:30 pm.
    • Alicia to reserve Dolibois’s room, and confirm with the President’s office for meal payment for breakfast or lunch.
    • Souvenirs?
    • Possible conference title: “Safe at Work”
    • Conference theme: Protecting yourself, self-care
    • Topics:
      • CPR Training with Warren Mandrell-Cheryl B.
      • Self-Defense and Active Shooter with MUPD-Cheryl C.
      • Cybersecurity with IT- Amy Moore
      • Each session is 1/2 hour, and the keynote speaker 45mins-1 hour
      • Who will be the keynote speaker? MUPD? -Cheryl C.
      • Everyone to get brief info from their respective contacts so we can provide this info to Staff Development for JE pre-approval
  • Alicia brought up recruiting new members.
    • PFD member? David Wiseman-Cheryl C.
    • Lisa Boggs? Jennifer Fox
    • SATSS email and FB post-Carley *wait until the CPAC website is updated before sending out communication
    • Incentives conversation with Dawn Fahner–Carley
    • JE credit?
    • Extra vacation day 

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2023, from 8:30-10:00 am.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.