November 2022

November 10, 2022 | No Comments

November 10, 2022

In attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Cheryl Birkenhauer (ex-officio), Jennifer Fox, Cheryl Chafin, Juanita Schrodt, Amy Moore, Bonnie Crabtree, Carley Collins, Tonya Moryl, Amy Newson (UPAC Rep), Dawn Fahner (HR)

Absent: Thyra Sens

HR – Dawn Fahner

Call or Order

The official meeting was called to order at 8:36 a.m. 

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner, Associate Vice President of Human Resources

  • Longevity Bonus – This will be on the December 16th paycheck. Communication will go out regarding this.
  • Classified payroll processing during winter break. Need to work with supervisors to be sure your hours are correct. Classified staff are not required to use vacation/personal time. Be sure to approve with your correct hours’ communication going out to the timekeeper.
  • Paid holidays populate in TCP the day after. Full-time is automatic and part-time has to be added manually.
  • Annual update about university weather closing procedures coming soon.
  • Policy revision – going to work with Angie Brown to put together communication to be sent to all classified staff. Updating Reduction in Force Policy & Holiday  Policy due to EMMS and UCM being under their own umbrella.
  • If you utilize sick time during a work week you wouldn’t get overtime. If it’s not required of you then you wouldn’t be eligible for overtime.
  • Health & Wellness Task Force – Not able to add Amy at this time but would be willing to work with her and bring back information. They are working on a survey to come out before the break. Hope it’s a brief survey.
  • Premium discount program deadline coming up on November 15th.
  • Health Insurance providing new ID cards to all. Should receive them towards the end of December. The number on the card will remain the same.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

Minutes were approved – Cheryl Chafin made the motion to approve and Cheryl Birkenhauer seconded.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox – no updates
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree – President Crawford is granting the tribe an amphitheater area either between Joyner and Bonham or the north side of Harrison and High Street. Construction update on King Library and McGuffey’s back side of McGuffey to be closed due to construction for steam upgrades. Starting at the end of classes.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl – no updates
  • Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) – Juanita Schrodt – planning on splitting into subcommittees: internationalization, course evaluation, how to deal with biases with course evaluations, etc.
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller – continuing to meet with Deans and other University administrators
  • University Senate – Cheryl Chafin – proposals for cybersecurity degree, graduate student summer research priorities, sustainability update.
  • UPAC Liaison – Amy Newsome


  • CPAC Website – working on getting this up to date
  • CPAC Facebook – Alicia Miller, Carley Collins, and Angie Brown are administrators with editing access.
  • Coffee and Connect – 35 people signed up for the session at the Rec Center; broke into groups, and tours were given.
  • Conference in May – discussion about topics and who to ask; members were going to begin reaching out to possible speakers.


Cheryl Chafin Update – Janus Forum Roe vs. Wade, November 15 at 6 p.m.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be on December 15, 2022. I would love to have this meeting in person if possible. Please let me know who would like to host this meeting.

The meeting adjourned.