March 2022

March 17, 2022 | No Comments

March 17, 2022

Present – Cheryl Birkenhauer, Juanita Schrodt, Jennifer Fox, Gail King, Andrew Bechtol, Casey Peugh, Angela Brown, Amy Moore, Lauran Franklin, Bonnie Crabtree, Lauren Brassfield, Alicia Miller

Absent – Thyra Sens, Dana Carlson, Tonya Moryl

Guest – Ruth Groom, Denise Withrow

Denise Withrow joined the meeting with questions and concerns about the Flexible/Remote policy. Denise is planning to create a steering committee regarding the policy. She has been collecting data from her department and is hoping other departments and CPAC would be interested in joining.

Her frustration comes from her request to work remotely that was denied. She didn’t like the response that she received because she feels it is not fair and the answer was just “because.” Ruth Groom, Assoc VP for Academic Personnel, joined the meeting to field questions about the policy. She reminded Denise and the group that remote work is not a right but a privilege. She also explained the decisions are being made at the Dean’s/Chair’s level.

Denise will send info to Cheryl to share with the Committee to see if we want to be involved. There was a small discussion by the Committee after the presentation.

Previous Meeting Notes Approval

Notes approved with one change about the hiring of an attorney. Cheryl updated the minutes to reflect his change.


Lauren Brassfield had a few updates for UPAC. There has been concern about the lack of mental wellness and physical wellness. Phillips is no longer available. What does the institution have available now? In the past there were classes that faculty/staff did not have to pay for and included things like Hawk Walk. What is there now? What can we do? There are not many opportunities through Health and Wellness. Can UPAC and CPAC work together to do something as a community?

Lauran Franklin provided the link for Impact Solutions, which is a program available to Miami employees and their families free of charge. The program offers confidential, professional support, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Lauren mentioned that UPAC might co-sponsor a concert in uptown Oxford and didn’t know if CPAC might be interested in joining.

Conference Updates

All the speakers have confirmed their attendance. Cheryl will be following up to get abstracts for their presentations to share with the job enrichment office to be sure they are JEP eligible. FYI…Rachael Rude has taken a new job on campus, so we will be working with Kristin Taylor for JEP. Once this has been finalized, we will be advertising.

Juanita has created and everyone has tested the Conference registration page. It is working well.

We need to reach out to the President’s Office to see if he is able/willing to cover breakfast. In the past, he has covered lunches for the Conference.

HR Update

Lauran Franklin said that the Provost has created an Informed Choice webpage regarding faculty unionization.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, 2022.


Juanita Schrodt send CODI meeting notes to everyone by email after the meeting.

Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC)

The Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC) is established for the purpose of advising the President, Vice Presidents, and Human Resources on matters of interest and concern to classified staff members in the context of the whole university community.

Current Members

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