February 2022

February 17, 2022 | No Comments

FEBRUARY 17, 2022

Cheryl called the meeting to order. There was a question in regards to previous meeting notes, it was decided to remove the sentence in question.

HR updates: Lauren reported that there were eighty eight people in attendance for Coffee and Connect. There were many staff and supervisors that attended, showing a real need for a documented and standardized policy in place.

Marquietta reported on the Covid leave policy under the guidance of the CDC which is now five days. Miami will pay two-thirds of the employees pay, without the employee using accumulated sick leave. If the employee chooses to use accrued sick leave for the balance they may do so. If the employee has tested positive and is able to work from home they may do so without having to use sick leave. If an employee chooses to work at home these days will not count towards twenty days allotted for work at home. This will be in place until June 2022. Lauren did share that leaves spiked in January but have gone down in February. Human resources has three new staff members, Gina, Melissa, and Maddie. Bonnie asked about Pride Awards, please send emails to Lauren to research. Dana was concerned that the Regionals are not receiving updates from Benefits, Lauren will research, and follow up.

Juanita has the layout done for the CPAC brochure. Do we need to vote and then send out? How do we distribute the brochure, print, electronically? If printed, how many copies do we start with.. Lauren B. mentioned that anything with the Miami branding has to be approved. Juanita will send for approval.

It has been circulating that Faculty members are working towards starting a Union. Lauren has heard of no definitive plans. Juanita mentioned that her Chair said Miami has hired an Attorney trying to move the process forward.

CPAC Conference, can we add job enrichment points to help staff members in attendance? Who do we contact to find out if we are able to have a conference in person? We need to reach out to Event Services.

What is the cost? We use money in a CPAC account, the President’s office usually pays for lunch, and there is no charge for event rooms in Shriver. All members can help with candy for tables. Alicia and Jennifer will inventory what is in CPAC closet that can be used. We are looking at a date in late May.

We will vote in the March meeting on the topic for the conference.

Angie had nothing to report for classified comp.

Lauren reported on UPAC. Black History Month, and announced that Juneteenth is now recognized as a National Holiday!

Juanita reported that CODI will meet next month.

Alicia reported that the fiscal is meeting with Deans.

Dana reported that the Health plan is expected to increase, looking at different ways to offset cost.

Tonya and Dana reported that Regionals have a staff forum, CPAC or UPAC executive committee. Information will be sent to Tonya.

Cheryl adjourned the meeting at 9:35

Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC)

The Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC) is established for the purpose of advising the President, Vice Presidents, and Human Resources on matters of interest and concern to classified staff members in the context of the whole university community.

Current Members

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