January 2022

January 20, 2022 | No Comments
CPAC Group Photo

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Chery Birkenhauer – Chair

Angela Coffey – Vice Chair

Andrew Bechtol, Alicia Miller, Dana Carlsen, Bonnie Crabtree, Jennifer Fox, Lauren Franklin, Gail King, Marquetta Carmichael, Dawn Fahner, Amy Moore, Casey Peugh, Tonya Moryl, Lauren Brassfield

Absent: Thyra Sens, Juanita Schrodt

Call to Order

Introductions of new CPAC members and guests

Dawn Fahner – Flexible Work Arrangements for Classified Staff (SATSS Only; not AFSCME)

Reviewed document provided by Dawn Fahner. This policy mirrors the Unclassified policy with additions/edits for Classified Staff. This policy could be in effect as early as February 1, 2022.

Flexible Work Time – Not new. This includes the compressed work time.

Reduced appointment (FTE) – Not new. This is a temporary change for a specified duration. There will be a reduction in salary and some benefits.

Temporary Off-Campus Work – New item. The 20 days are not random. It has to do with taxes being withheld and the place of residence. This policy is tracked locally in the department. This can be used in ½ day and full-day work; not 15-minute segments as other “time off” is managed. Mission critical is more about being available and attentive to work; not taking care of children because of no child-care. Highlighted paragraph is for Classified Staff only. TCP will be used for tracking time. No special notes needed but can add a note. Examples of how this might be used: covid, snow day, travel time due to appointments makes getting to work inconvenient.

Remote Work Assignment – New item. This is very similar to unclassified staff.  It can be modified and revoked by Miami University at any time. Highlighted paragraph is for Classified Staff only. Vast majority of these unclassified individuals using this are a hybrid; a couple days at home and a couple days on campus. Approval of position for remote work is exactly like Unclassified Staff policy.

Minutes from 11-18-21 were approved (with corrections)

HR Update – Lauran Franklin

  • Regional Recharge – Be Well Stay Well Webinar at 2:00 pm. Will be recorded and posted for those unable to attend
  • Website revisions under way – easier flow
  • 1095 C will be mailed on January 31st – do not need to file for taxes
  • Benefits statements have been released for 2021 in Banner Web
  • Working on setting up Medicare presentations – webinars for March and June · Plan includes fertility counselors – if need additional information, contact Anthem or the Benefits team
  • COVID gratitude bonus – January 28th check for Classified employees · Paid COVID Leave (5 days in 2022)
  • https://www.miamioh.edu/human-resources/leaves-time-off/leaves/family-medical-leave-act/c ovid2021-leave/index.html
  • Weekly COVID message – focus on at home test kits (Miami and thru Anthem), boosters

TCP Electronic Leave Request pilots and soft launchSubcommittee Updates

  • Regional Recharge – Be Well Stay Well Webinar at 2:00 pm. Will be recorded and posted for those unable to attend
  • Website revisions under way – easier flow
  • 1095 C will be mailed on January 31st – do not need to file for taxes
  • Benefits statements have been released for 2021 in Banner Web
  • Working on setting up Medicare presentations – webinars for March and June · Plan includes fertility counselors – if need additional information, contact Anthem or the Benefits team
  • COVID gratitude bonus – January 28th check for Classified employees
    Paid COVID Leave (5 days in 2022)
    https://www.miamioh.edu/human-resources/leaves-time-off/leaves/family-medical-leave-act/c ovid2021-leave/index.html
  • Weekly COVID message – focus on at home test kits (Miami and thru Anthem), boosters

TCP Electronic Leave Request pilots and soft launch

a. No updates from committees

b. Events Planning – Amy Moore and Bonnie Craptree (will join later) CPAC Brochure

c. Juanita is absent – update coming atnext meeting; Angie will check with her.

Coffee & Connect

d. Healthy Miami Points – how to navigate websites and details on how to process the points. Jennifer had a great idea to create a step-by-step guide for this process. Lauran will talk to HR about this.

e. Flexible Work Arrangements – Dawn Fahner after policy is approved. f.
Myaamia Center – programs and events available.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.