Student Spotlight: Maxwell Rossi

This week, we spotlight student Maxwell Rossi, a senior majoring in Business/Managerial Economics and Finance. He recently held a virtual internship with AllianceBernstein, an asset-management and research firm. 

  • Majors: Business/Managerial Economics & Finance
  • Internship/Job Title: Private Wealth Management Intern
  • Company: AllianceBernstein
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois 

Rossi worked as a Private Wealth Management Intern and stated that he wasn’t sure what to think going into the experience. 

“Nobody really knew what to expect,” he writes, “The firm was trying to move a fast-paced, fairly demanding intern program entirely online…the odds were stacked against a truly rewarding experience.” 

It turns out, the odds ended up being in his favor. Rossi says that the program was, “…nothing short of phenomenal.” He explains how he was exposed to a new host of software, training, and experience that felt nowhere near diminished by its virtual nature. 

In fact, Rossi says the online platform actually increased his opportunities to meet people. It was as simple as hopping on a Zoom call, the company even scheduling specific times for its interns to connect with those in the office. 

“I couldn’t have imagined a better overall experience than what I had this summer.”