
Human Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot
Human Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot
Human Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot

Welcome to the Biomechatronics System Design Laboratory. The Biomechatronics System Design Laboratory is a part of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Miami University, Oxford. Ohio. 

Our expertise is in the development of high-performance computer-controlled Electro-Mechanical/Mechatronics systems that run based on control algorithms. Biomechatronics System Design Lab mainly focuses on rehabilitation robotics, computer-supervised physical exercises, and applications of IoT in the rehabilitation robotics sector.

The effectiveness of robot-assisted physical therapy at all stages of physical recovery and accurately determining the recovery rate make the robot a great tool in rehabilitation applications. The number of human lower or upper extremity disability patients are increasing fast. To tackle this huge number of disabled individuals with limited resources is very challenging. Robot-assisted physical therapy is a great alternative. Combining different services in the form of IoT makes the rehabilitation robot more versatile and effective.

The Biomechatronics lab has all the facilities to make a robot/device from scratches. Our lab studies the robot’s dynamical behavior, and the effects of different control schemes including Adaptive control, Computed torque control, Model reference computed torque control, Linear Quadratic Controller, PID controller, Sliding mode control, etc. in controlling the robot. We design our robot in a CAD environment and fabricate it using in-lab high-speed CNC machines. By using high-performance real-time control hardware and custom-developed software, the developed robot provides great effectiveness in real applications.