B56: KFC or the Nixtamal tortilla: Globalization is changing dietary habits with negative outcomes for older adult longevity in Costa Rica

In the field of global health, there are many well understood examples of the spread of infectious disease across continents, yet evidence supporting the worldwide spread of chronic disease due to global changes in dietary habits is less documented. During my travels to areas with extreme longevity in Costa Rica with the Spanish Department, octogenarians […]

B82: The Importance of Postpartum Depression Interventions

Our project focuses on interventions that may reduce the rate of Postpartum Depression (PPD). We specifically reviewed broad and affordable options accessible to the target population. Women who experience PPD are often from a lower socioeconomic status and experience multiple situational and financial stressors. Our research outlines a variety of interventions including group therapy, psychotherapy, […]

B81: 8-hour Shifts vs. 12-hour Shifts: The Impact that Shift Length can have on Nurses and Patients

Nurses are known for working their infamous 12-hour shifts. Although having 4 days off every week may sound appealing, working these extended hours can truly have an impact on one’s health. Nurses are constantly being faced with stressful situations for long periods of time. When they exceed their coping capacity, it is likely that they […]

A88: Shared-Reading Habits of Parents of Children with ASD

This research project explored the shared-reading habits of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and compared those results to the shared-reading habits of parents of typically developing children. The goal was to gain a stronger insight on early literacy skills of children with ASD and assess whether the shared-reading habits of parents of […]

C88: Understanding the Role of Overdose Prevention Strategies with Emphasis on Narcan

Our group is researching the most effective methods of decreasing opioid overdoses of Americans aged 18-50. As future nurses, we are learning about the frightening trend of opioid overdoses. The numbers have consistently been increasing since the opioid epidemic began in the 1990s. Nurses work in a variety of departments and each field has patients […]

A87: Screenings and Interventions to Reduce the Incidence of Postpartum Depression in the United States

We researched postpartum depression for different screenings and interventions that could reduce the incidence of postpartum depression occurring in perinatal women in the United States. We collected 10 scholarly articles with evidence ranging from level 1 to level 5. We decided to research this because there is currently no intervention or screenings implemented into clinical […]

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