C47: A geospatial analysis of the role of lead (Pb) exposure in the development of substance use disorders

Lead (Pb) exposure is an environmental cause of learning disorders, such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the disruption of many cognitive functions. Although Pb affects many cognitive functions and neurocircuits related to substance use disorders (SUDs), and although ADHD is highly comorbid with SUDs, Pb exposure is not a known risk for SUDs. This […]

A39-P: Lessons Learned from an Unequal Opportunity Storm: Hurricane Katrina, 15 Years Later

When it comes to planning, learning from the past can be key in adapting, changing and improving for the future. This study aims to help make cities more resilient by accounting for racial disparities in natural disaster response and recovery planning. Creating cities that are more environmentally just will in turn make them more resilient […]

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