A16-T: The Utilization of a MEMS Based Switch for Improved Experimentation in the Laboratory through Fiber Optic Coupling

Fiber optic cables are an integral component to the experimentation conducted in the field of optical spectroscopy.  Research in this field depends on the ability to transmit light from a source to the desired medium of interest, requiring the usage of cables which can perform such a task. As a result, opto-mechanical switches become necessary […]

A14-T: The Public Impact of Representation of Disability in Media

The American news media, as well as movies and television, play an important role in shaping attitudes and perceptions of social groups. This work focusses on the media coverage and representation of people with disabilities and the consequences of such coverage. Literature demonstrates that media most often depicts individuals with disabilities negatively, often portraying them […]

A15-T: Effects of COVID-19 Policy and Communication on Pandemic Control in US Colleges

Our research is driven by the following question: how can universities and colleges in the United States better deal with the COVID-19 pandemic? We are interested in the impact of reopening methods for classes and housing, resource and information sharing with students, and other important university responsibilities. Following that, we will examine the challenges in […]

A10-T: Evaluating the Effectiveness of QR Codes in Environmental Education and Outreach

A new trend in environmental education is to include Quick Response (QR) codes on educational signage. A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can be read by most smartphones which redirects users to online content. Utilizing QR codes in an educational setting may provide educators and students more interactive experiences as well as access […]

A11-T: Typology of Adaptation Parenting Children with Primary Lymphedema

Mothers of children with primary lymphedema (LE) may be vulnerable to experiencing feelings of helplessness, frustration, grief, and excess stress that can lead to negative mood and child behavioral problems. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of these mothers. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with mothers (N=26) of […]

A13-T: Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) to Observe the Development of Pressure Injuries

Pressure Injuries are a major concern in medicine, yet their origins and pathologies are relatively unknown. The origins of these issues are continually studied but they are relatively unknown and cost the healthcare industry millions of dollars each year. Low-cost alternatives include optical techniques, which have previously been used to study tissue sample compositions and […]

A09-T: Littering in College Towns: How Students’ Perceptions Align With Reality

Littering leads to soil and water pollution and poses threats to ecological systems. This research investigates littering in college towns and surrounding natural areas, through an interdisciplinary lens. We examined: why do college students litter? Understanding the motivations behind littering would allow for the development of effective programs and policy to combat littering in college […]

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