The general research area for this study was in the field of social work. My work was conducted by sending out a survey for my Research Methods class via Google Forms. Once I got my data in, I analyzed the open-ended questions for common themes. The research question is “To what extent do racial stereotypes […]
B33: Breast Cancer Survivorship Among South Asian Women
This study explores to understand the experiences of breast cancer survivorship amongst South Asian women in the global diaspora. Many studies in the past have explored the experiences of breast cancer survivorship, though little has been done to explore the factors that contribute to these experiences in minority populations. The research question considered in this […]
B34: Ageist Attitude and Aging Anxiety in Undergraduates
As the demographics of age shift towards supporting an older population, age-based discrimination needs to be addressed due to its impact on not only physical, but mental health as well. There are many factors that need to be considered to assess the ageism and overall attitudes that undergraduate students have for aging, the aging process, […]
C54: Grandchildren Caring for Grandparents
This study is exploring the role of grandchildren as caregivers for their grandparents. With the recent trends of the aging American population, caring for loved ones in some fashion is becoming more commonplace. The research question considered in this study is what influence does caregiver burden, guilt, role transition, perceived levels of stress, self-efficacy, skill […]
B10-T: Exploring Family Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study was conducted to explore the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic impacted families during April to May 2020. Specifically, this study aimed to explore how individuals and families were coping with social isolation and lifestyle changes. We sought to identify how psychosocial predictors influenced individuals’ levels of perceived stress under social isolation and […]
A11-T: Typology of Adaptation Parenting Children with Primary Lymphedema
Mothers of children with primary lymphedema (LE) may be vulnerable to experiencing feelings of helplessness, frustration, grief, and excess stress that can lead to negative mood and child behavioral problems. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of these mothers. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with mothers (N=26) of […]
C17-P: International Breast Cancer Survivorship Comparative Study: Indian and Korean Women’s Experiences
This study explored the experiences of breast cancer survivorship amongst underrepresented individuals, particularly women of Indian ethnic origin and Korean ethnic origin living both in the United States and in any other global location. Many studies in the past have explored the experiences of breast cancer survivorship, though little has been done to examine the […]
A37-P: Grandchildren Caring For Grandparents
This study is exploring the role of grandchildren as caregivers for their grandparents. With the recent trends of the aging American population, caring for loved ones in some fashion is becoming more commonplace. The research question considered in this study is what influence does caregiver burden, guilt, role transition, perceived levels of stress, self-efficacy, skill […]
C46: Religion as a Benefit or Barrier to Supporting Transgender Children
Transgender children are at an overall heightened risk for negative mental health consequences (Perez-Brumer et al., 2017), and the religious beliefs of family members and healthcare practitioners may have the potential to cause emotional harm to transgender youth (Anderson & McGuire, 2019). Despite these claims, research regarding the role religion plays in the lives of […]
A94: Breast Cancer Survivorship Among Indian American Women: Comparison Research Between Indian Women Living in the U.S. and Those Living in India
This study explores to understand the experiences of breast cancer survivorship amongst underrepresented individuals, particularly women of Indian ethnic origin living both in the United States and in India. Many studies in the past have explored the experiences of breast cancer survivorship, though little has been done to explore the factors that contribute to these […]
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