C40: Enhancing Gene Expression Quantification through Non-Reference Structural Variant Identification

The release of the human reference genome (GRCh38) in 2003 was a significant milestone in genetics, offering potential advancements in understanding and treating genetic diseases and traits. Despite having been gradually improved for two decades, GRCh38 still possesses limitations in measuring gene expressions mainly due to a lack of diversity derived from structural variants (SVs).  […]

C41: Inquires into Natural History and Colonial Persistence

Many natural history institutions built their collections by taking scientific specimens while on colonial expeditions, and the implementation of human culture or specimens rarely took consent of the parties involved into account. On a study abroad trip to London, England in January of 2024, I examined a few examples of colonial expeditions, racist rhetoric, and […]

C42: Retranslating History: Translating the Biography of General Liu Chi-Min

This project aimed to use information from interviews with the original author (Mouchu Cheng) to contextualize the poor translation and rewrite it. Since some of the chapters focused on too many technical details to be feasible for a one-year project, we focused on translating the chapters in the book that detail Liu Chi-Min’s life rather […]

C43: Instream Boulder Effects on Substrate Spawing Habitat of Fish Species

Adequate spawning habitats are crucial for the success and productivity of fish populations. Instream boulders can create favorable spawning sites by creating depressions or riffles where fish can deposit their eggs. Habitat restoration projects are put in place to offset the destruction of spawning grounds and improve habitat functionality. Our research aims to provide insight […]

C44: Intergroup dynamics of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Ecuador

Intergroup interactions in nonhuman primates can vary greatly from affiliative to agonistic. While many researchers have focused on factors that lead to aggressive intergroup encounters (IGEs), few have investigated those that lead to more tolerant outcomes. Here, we examine how fruit productivity, mating opportunities, group composition, and location of encounter affect IGEs in wild woolly […]

C45: Uncovering the Lost Tapes of Mahale: A Preliminary Analysis of Play Behavior in Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii

Within the context of affiliative interactions among primates, social play is one of the most commonly observed behaviors. Specifically, social play allows younger individuals such as infants and juveniles to learn social roles and help in furthering their social development. Here, we examine social play and behavioral sequences among a wild eastern chimpanzee community (Pan […]

C46: Cholinergic Mu-Opioid Receptor Modulation of Nicotine and Alcohol Drinking Behaviors

Alcohol and nicotine are common substances that are used and abused in society. Not only are these substances used independently of each other, but there is considerable overlap, with many people consuming both nicotine and alcohol. Alcohol and nicotine use are known to depend on striatal dopamine release, which is modulated by the release of […]

C47: A geospatial analysis of the role of lead (Pb) exposure in the development of substance use disorders

Lead (Pb) exposure is an environmental cause of learning disorders, such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the disruption of many cognitive functions. Although Pb affects many cognitive functions and neurocircuits related to substance use disorders (SUDs), and although ADHD is highly comorbid with SUDs, Pb exposure is not a known risk for SUDs. This […]

C48: Interactions Between Stress and Alcohol in Undergraduate Students at Miami University

College students are frequently described as stressed and more likely to engage in alcohol consumption by themselves, public health officials, the media, and the general public. Stress has been perceived to develop due to workload, negative emotions, adverse life events, and dramatic, intense changes (Kent et al., 2022). The college experience is a time of […]

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