2023 President’s Letter

29th Undergraduate Research Forum, April 19, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Undergraduate Research Forum — a celebration of inquiry, creativity, and knowledge creation — hallmarks of the Miami University Experience. For 29 consecutive years, this forum has highlighted our faculty and students using research to extend the Miami University classroom education into laboratories, fieldwork, and into our surrounding communities. Through analyzing data, designing studies to advance scholarship, and presenting results, Miami students demonstrate skills that are essential to success in today’s global and interconnected world. The annual Undergraduate Research Forum is an incredible showcase of Miami’s student-as-scholar model.

This year, we celebrate the return to an in-person event, showcasing 196 presentations by 325 undergraduate researchers, mentored by 98 faculty. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the faculty mentors who guide this undergraduate experience — an experience that has differentiated Miami University for generations. In addition to these faculty, we also proudly recognize the 52 graduate student mentors who play significant roles in these research projects. Likewise, thank you to the students, faculty and staff whose participation makes this annual forum a success.

During the 2021-22 academic year, approximately 3,000 Miami students worked with professors/mentors on funded research. Additionally, Miami recorded over 14,000 enrollments in courses that include research experiences. We believe in the power of scholarly research to enhance the student experience and change the world; and we join with you in congratulating everyone involved in this celebration of inquiry and discovery.

In Love and Honor,

Dr. Gregory P. Crawford


Dr. Renate J. Crawford

University Ambassador

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