1. Acknowledgments

May 10, 2018 dickerej 0

Telling A People’s Story is dedicated to the memory of those who blazed new trails and opened the doors for the development of African-American children’s literature. Special appreciation […]

3. Contextualizing The Firsts

May 8, 2018 dickerej 0

African-American books were slow to gain attention within mainstream readership, publishers, and organizations that recognized and awarded creativity. In 1922, the John Newbery Medal was first presented to […]

4. African Traditions and Storytelling

May 7, 2018 dickerej 0

African-American literature is essentially a synthesis of values and rituals rooted in African and American society. Recognizing African oral storytelling as the origin of African-American children’s literature is […]

5. The Middle Passage

May 6, 2018 dickerej 0

The Middle Passage was a triangular trade route in which millions of Africans were shipped to other countries, including the New World, as part of the Atlantic […]

8. Segregation

May 3, 2018 dickerej 0

The beginning of Segregation preceded the Civil War, when in 1857 the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford that African Americans were not U.S. citizens, […]

10. The Civil Rights Era

May 1, 2018 dickerej 0

The Civil Rights Movement began in 1954 following Thurgood Marshall’s successful defense of Brown v. Board 0f Education. One of the pivotal moments of the Civil Rights Era […]

11. Modern Cultural Identity

April 29, 2018 dickerej 0

Stimulated by the freedom of conveying culturally-authentic messages, African-American authors and illustrators set out to create an experience for African- American youth. Children readily identified themselves with stories placed […]