Where can I find Zoom chat logs and/or meetings I’ve recorded to my computer?

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This is a great mystery for all Zoom users—not just Miami ones! When you record class sessions to your computer (instead of to the cloud), Zoom saves them within the “Documents” folder on your computer. In it, you’ll find a folder called “Zoom,” which has a subfolder for each of your Zoom meetings. It also downloads every meeting’s chat log to its meeting folder. Here’s where you can find it:

  1. Open Finder if you’re on a Mac or File Explorer if you’re on a PC. 
  2. Double click the Documents folder to open it. 
  3. Double click a folder within it called “Zoom.” You’ll see a series of folders within this Zoom folder, one for each of your meetings, named by the meeting’s date and title.

If you’ve recorded a Zoom meeting, you’ll find an .mp4 file for it in its meeting folder. You’ll also find a copy of the meeting’s chat log, which is a .txt file.

If you need to share your recording with students, you’ll need to upload the .mp4 file to Kaltura; we have a guide for this on our website.