
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that promotes academic integrity. It can be used to detect plagiarism in any Canvas assignment, whether it is an online, hybrid, or face-to-face course.

How do I use Turnitin?

How do I enable Turnitin for a Canvas assignment?
  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Select your course.
  3. Select Assignments from the course navigation.
  4. Select Edit on the desired assignment.
  5. Under Plagiarism Review, select Turnitin from the drop-down list. Since Miami exclusively uses Turnitin through Canvas, it will be the only option.
  6. Select Save.

Note: Turnitin must be enabled before students make submissions to an assignment; it cannot be enabled later.

How do I view Turnitin reports with SpeedGrader?
  1. Navigate to the assignment page in Canvas.
  2. Click the SpeedGrader button to open the SpeedGrader.
  3. Student submissions appear in the SpeedGrader, and at the top right a color-bubble displays a percentage, which indicates the percentage of the submission that matches files in the Turnitin database.
  4. Click the color-bubble to open the Turnitin Feedback Studio and view the Turnitin originality report.
  5. Turnitin results appear as a color-bubble in the SpeedGrader.
How do I view Turnitin reports in the Gradebook?
  1. Navigate to the course gradebook in Canvas by clicking Grades.
  2. Scroll to the column of the assignment.
  3. Submissions appear with a color-bubble indicating a Turnitin report is available for the assignment; column shows submissions with Turnitin reports.
  4. Click the cell containing a student submission. A dialog box will appear with submission details and a color-bubble showing the Turnitin originality score.
How do I log into Turnitin outside of Canvas?

Before logging in, you must create an assignment in Canvas with Turnitin enabled to generate your account.

  1. Visit Turnitin.com.
  2. In the upper right, select Log in.
  3. Select Forgot your password? Click here.
  4. Enter in your Miami email address as Email Address.
  5. Enter in your last name as Last Name or Family Name.
  6. Select Next.
  7. If you have a secret question in place, it will prompt you to answer. Otherwise, follow the prompts to be emailed a password reset link. Open the email and follow the instructions to create a password for Turnitin.

Where can I learn more about Turnitin?


Visit Turnitin’s help center for user documentation and support materials.


Explore the Turnitin section of Miami’s IT Knowledge Base.