Pedagogy & Practice

target imagePedagogical Best Practices for Teaching & Learning

The principles and practices of teaching are both an art and a science, the various methods and best practices shared on this page are here to guide your delivery choices as you support learners through their journey.

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Course Structure

The type of course you teach determines how best to structure it. Content-focused courses include many lecture-based segments and discussion-based components. Process-focused courses include activity-based instruction and experiential environments.

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Outcomes & Alignment

Learning outcomes describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of a course or instructional module/unit. Alignment is the link between the stated learning outcomes (or objectives) and everything a learner is asked to complete inside the course.

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Assessment & Evaluation

Review our selection of pedagogical considerations for evaluating and developing formative and summative assessments.

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Academic Rigor

Academic Rigor-What is it? Why is it important? Where do I start? Including examples and an academic rigor decision-making tool.

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Instructional Materials

In the course design and development process, collections of texts, OER materials, lectures, and multimedia segments are essential to support a students’ content mastery, conceptual understanding and demonstration of skills. Curate an amazing course using our materials selection guide.

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Interaction & Engagement

Identifying opportunities for interaction and engagement during course development can help you build a more robust and effective course that supports knowledge construction and critical thinking while cultivating self-efficacy and a sense of community.

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Technology Tools

Discover available technologies for media development , engaging learners, and conducting summative assessment virtually while upholding academic integrity.

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Learning Library

Take a look at several strategically developed guides for a deep dive into course design, teaching with Canvas Learning management system, and our learning library with quick reads about various teaching & learning topics.

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