Communication Schedule & Timelines

Communication is key for successful online course development. An online course is estimated to take six months to design, develop, build, and prepare for delivery.

As an instructor working with Miami Online, you will have an initial kick-off meeting with our team members to review program information, resource repositories, and planning tools, and to establish a communication plan. As a subject matter expert and instructor developing a course, plan to dedicate the time to reevaluate an existing course through a new lens or build a course from the ground up.

When signing the course agreement, you agree to work in a collaborative and timely manner with our Miami Online team to ensure that we develop and deliver a high-quality course that represents your department and Miami University.

Course Development Timeline

The course development timeline will assist with project management and milestone completion. After identifying the course’s launch date, the timeline will be established to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of individual deadlines. As an instructor, one of the most important things to remember with the course timeline is that the learning designer needs to receive all course resources in a timely manner.

If you’re incorporating video into your course, the media team needs time to record, edit, and finalize a quality video. Typically, there is at least a course introduction video and an instructor introduction. Many instructors like to incorporate their own recordings of demonstrations or tutorials, and those videos will need closed captioning before the course starts.

Furthermore, our student success team will need adequate time to evaluate the course design before the final launch date; this step ensures that we meet the expectations of accreditation entities and two industry-leading rubrics.