300-400 Level Course-APPLICATION & ANALYSIS

Learning Outcomes image


apply, choose, explain, organize, prepare, solve, use, produce, show, generalize

classify, compare, survey distinguish, differentiate, analyze, subdivide

Bloom’s Taxonomy lower-order thinking skills to higher-order thinking skills

Instructional strategies image

Case Studies, Simulations, Algorithms, Modeling, Part & Whole Sequencing

Challenging Assumptions, Debates, Discussions & Collaborative Learning, Decision-Making Situations

Learning resource image

Open Education Resources, Textbooks, Creative Commons, Course Material Repositories, Video, Audio, Articles, Journals, Websites, Artifacts, Infographics, Novels

Questioning image

Identify the results of. Predict/tell what would happen if. Judge the effects of.

What is the main idea? What is the main theme? What conclusions can be reached? What is the function of?

Assessment image

Projects, Experiments, Research, Case Studies, Group Collaboration, Problem-Solving, Peer Critiques, Peer Review