Week One Reflection: Avalon

In class this week we played, Avalon. I felt that the hardest part of the game was remembering the various characters that were in the game and distinguishing who was good and who was evil. I was able to recognize that different characters played different roles; for example, Percival is able to have insight as to who Merlin is, however remembering throughout the game which characters were always good and bad was confusing at first. I had also never played a role play board game before, so getting used to this type of game was more difficult than expected, however I began to become accustomed to it pretty quickly. In regards to how it relates to leadership, I feel that someone who really takes charge has to communicate with the group on who they believe is good versus bad. Some people took charge of the group, and some people stayed a little more quiet, like many other situations. I could see my three older brothers really enjoying this game. They really enjoyed playing the children’s game, Mafia when they were younger, which strongly correlates with many of the elements of Avalon.