
Salli Nichols on “Growing Our Own”

Profile Text: Piper Nicely Edited by: Sam Purkiss Audio Profile: Hannah Kramer Walking around Storm Lake, Salli Nichols’ granddaughter insists that she knows everyone. In a way, it’s true. As a retired English, journalism, and ESL teacher for Storm Lake High School, Nichols has watched her students grow up and join the workforce in town, […]

Sally Henry Finds Her Footing

Profile text: Joey Puckett Audio Highlight: Omar Alcorta Edited by: Sam Purkiss Photos: Omar Alcorta Once again, Sally Henry was surrounded by new people and new opportunities, trying to find the right footing in an unfamiliar place. She’s no stranger to all that. She faced the same challenge when her family became the first Micronesian […]

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