This page lists software installed on the Redhawk cluster. Use the table controls to search and sort. Follow the links in the first column to learn more about a particular software package. Use the module name in the fourth column to load the software. Visit the modules page to learn more about software management on the cluster. Where a module name is not listed, view the details to learn more about using the package.
The pages describing individual software tools support comments. Feel free to use these to add information about a package.
Contact the RCS group to request installation of additional packages or with other questions about software on the cluster.
Package Name | Category | Usage Restrictions? | Acknowledgement | |
Comsol | Engineering | Yes | None | |
R | Statistics | No | Available | |
Abaqus | Engineering | Yes | None | |
Blast | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Matlab | General | Yes | None | |
Perl | General | No | None | |
BioPerl | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
DDD Debugger | Development | No | None | |
Open MPI | General | No | None | |
Macaulay2 | Mathematics | No | Available | |
COIN-OR | Mathematics | No | Available | |
Boost | Development | No | None | |
Belvu | Bioinformatics | No | Requested | |
CAP3 | Bioinformatics | Yes | Requested | |
Clustal | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Emboss | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Blast+ | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
InterProScan | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Fasta | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Hmmer | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Hmmtop | Bioinformatics | Yes | Required | |
MrBayes | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Muscle | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
PCAP | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
CD-HIT | Bioinformatics | No | Requested | |
Primer3 | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Paup | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
Phylip | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
R8s | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Velvet | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Python | General | No | None | |
RepeatMasker | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
SignalSleuth | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
wxWidgets (wxGTK) | Library | No | None | |
Treeviewx | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
VMD | Chemistry | Yes | Available | |
Vmatch | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
Gmap | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Phred | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
Phrap | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
Phd2fasta | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
GMP | Library | No | None | |
Pari | Mathematics | No | Requested | |
NTL | Mathematics | No | None | |
Mwrank | Mathematics | No | None | |
Ratpoints | Mathematics | No | Requested | |
CL_Matcont | Engineering | No | None | |
Auto | Engineering | No | None | |
Gamess | Chemistry | Yes | Required | |
SAS | Statistics | Yes | None | |
AutoAssign | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
Cyana | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
CCP4 | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
CNS | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
APBS | Chemistry | No | Available | |
Solve/Resolve | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
RasMol | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Shelx | Chemistry | Yes | Required | |
AutoDock | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Jmol | Chemistry | No | Available | |
Dock | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
DSSP | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
MolMol | Chemistry - NMR | No | Requested | |
HKL2MAP | Chemistry - NMR | No | Requested | |
MDDNMR | Chemistry - NMR | No | Requested | |
meme | Bioinformatics | Yes | Available | |
Xplor-NIH | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
XtalView | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
IMSL | Statistics | Yes | None | |
Sparky | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Pymol | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Queen | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Phenix | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Requested | |
AutoStructure | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
NMRPipe | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Available | |
Morass | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | None | |
Coot | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
MUMmer | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
MetaSim | Bioinformatics | Yes | Requested | |
Soap | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
TGICL | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Rosetta | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
ARP/wARP | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Available | |
LAMMPS | Chemistry | No | Available | |
CS_Rosetta | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
Mira | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
MPFR | Library | No | None | |
MPC | Library | No | None | |
GCC | Development | No | None | |
Nedit | General | No | None | |
LADR | Mathematics | No | None | |
Sage | Mathematics | No | Requested | |
Xalan | General | No | None | |
Saxon | General | No | None | |
Gaussian | Chemistry | Yes | Required | |
Stata | Statistics | Yes | Available | |
SAMtools | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
AMOS | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
alien_hunter | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Artemis | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
ActiveTcl | General | No | None | |
Mosflm | Chemistry - NMR | No | Available | |
iMosflm | Chemistry - NMR | No | None | |
Intel Compilers | Development | No | None | |
Intel MKL | Library | No | None | |
JAGS | Statistics | No | None | |
Paraview | General | No | None | |
PdbStat | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | None | |
SeqClean | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Lucy | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
GAMS | Mathematics | No | None | |
SSAHA2 | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Kcachegrind | Development | No | None | |
ASDP | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
Valgrind | Development | No | None | |
Staden | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Seqtrim | Bioinformatics | No | Requested | |
GMT - Generic Mapping Tools | General | No | Available | |
NetCDF | Library | No | None | |
OpenCV | Library | No | None | |
Cmake | Development | No | None | |
RCI | Chemistry - NMR | No | None | |
Pales | Chemistry - NMR | Yes | Required | |
Btrim | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Fastx | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
SWIG | Development | No | None | |
GHMM | Library | No | None | |
Argtable | Library | No | None | |
Mothur | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Delphi | Chemistry | Yes | Requested | |
FastTree | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
WebMO | Chemistry | Yes | None | |
OOMMF | Physics | No | Requested | |
ImageJ | General | No | Available | |
GNU Scientific Library | Library | No | None | |
MAFFT | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
AmpliconNoise | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
GATE | Text Processing | No | Requested | |
MetaVelvet | Bioinformatics | No | Available | |
Yaehmop | Chemistry | No | None | |
Star | Bioinformatics | No | None | |
Gnuplot | General | No | None | |
Eman | Chemistry | No | Available | |
ChimeraAudacity | Chemistry | Yes | Required | |
Audacity | Audio File Processing | No | Available | |
GNU Emacs | Text editing | No | Available | |
Spheral++ | Numerical Simulation | No | Available | |
vmd-xplor | NMR Visualization | No | Available | |
Gromacs | Molecular Dynamics | No | Available | |
Grace | 2D plotting | No | Available | |
Avogadro | Molecule editor and visualizer | No | Available | |
AmberTools13 | Molecular Dynamics | No | Available | |
Phaver | Geometry | No | Available | |
Qiime | Microbio | No | Available | |
eLSA python module | Geology | No | Available | |
Ch | General | No | None | |
Root | Data analysis, C++ Interpreters | No | Available | |
Maple | General purpose scientific computing | No | Available | |
NuSMV | Symbolic model checker | No | Available |