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Recommended Lab Equipment List

The purpose of this page is to provide researchers with a list of equipment that we have found to be both “well designed” and “maintenance-friendly”. We also provide a list of common research equipment manufacturers that we’ve found to be the most cooperative in terms of helping the IL to maintain the vendor’s equipment.

Environmental Chamber/IncubatorPercival ScientificI-35 SeriesEasy to maintain.
Hot Plate/StirrerFisher Scientific11-500-7SHEasy to maintain.
Shaker Tables, LargeLab-Line Most or all have a lifetime warranty
on their drives.
Shaker Tables/Platforms, BenchtopLab-Line Easy to maintain.
Water BathVWR1146Easy to maintain.
Water ChillerHaskris Very reliable, easy to maintain.
Some models may no longer be available. If you find that one of our recommendations is no longer available, please let us know.

If you have questions about any of these instruments, please reach out to the Director of the IL (Mike Weeks,, 513-529-7216). We will attempt to answer your questions, or we can put you in touch with the faculty member(s) on campus who have this model/type of equipment.

Some Companies That Have Always Been Cooperative

  • Barnstead / Thermolyne
  • Fisher Scientific
  • Lab-Line
  • Haskris

Making An Instrument Purchase?

The IL is always available for consultations regarding equipment/instrument purchases (large or small). We encourage you to contact us to ensure that the maintenance needs of your equipment are considered when making instrument purchases.