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Instrumentation Laboratory Equipment List

The Instrumentation Laboratory provides interdisciplinary access to major research instruments located in the science departments. Specialized instrumentation that meets the criteria for inclusion on the list is made accessible to all researchers.

The benefits to the principal investigator for the instrument of having it on the IL’s Laboratory Equipment List are that the Instrumentation Laboratory pays for the maintenance and that service to the instrument has the highest priority with the Instrumentation Laboratory.

Instrumentation Laboratory Equipment List

InstrumentDepartmentLocationDepartmental ContactPhone
Laboratory Animal Resources 
Lynx 410 LX Rack & Cage WasherLaboratory Animal Resources19 PsychologyJazzminn Hembree529-5435
Lynx 536 LXi Tunnel WasherLaboratory Animal Resources19 PsychologyJazzminn Hembree529-5435
Primus PSS 500 AutoclaveLaboratory Animal Resources19 PsychologyJazzminn Hembree529-5435
X Ray Systems