Molly O’Brien is a Clinical Perfusionist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. A 2019 graduate who earned her B.S.E. in Bioengineering, she attended graduate school so she could transition into a clinical role. Learn about her Career Path below.
How did you reach your current position?
After graduating with my engineering degree, I chose to go into a more clinical path. I earned my M.S. in Cardiovascular Perfusion from the Medical University of South Carolina in 2021. I now work in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery and critical care. I’m really passionate about working with the technology of mechanical circulatory support. I’m glad I can use my engineering knowledge in my clinical role.
How did Miami University set you up for success in your career?
The Bioengineering program’s level of difficulty helped me immensely during graduate school. I was well prepared for a rigorous program. I was also exposed to a wide variety of classes, from electrical engineering basics to disability studies to tissue engineering. This helped me explore my interests and choose a career.
What is your best piece of career advice for current college students?
Broaden your horizons! Try new student organizations, take electives that sound interesting, apply for research programs, shadow professionals, and volunteer. College is the time to explore different career paths and find your passion.
National Engineers Week is February 19-25, 2023. It is observed by 70+ engineering, education, and cultural societies, and 50+ corporations and government agencies. It shines the spotlight on the contributions engineers make to society. It is also designed to emphasize the importance of learning math, science, and technical skills.