Student Decision Spotlight: Senior John Roth on his offer from Gartner

By Meg Matthias

This week we’re spotlighting John Roth, a senior Marketing major and Business Analytics minor from Mason, OH. John recently accepted a full time position at Gartner, Inc., as an Account Executive. On the Tech Vendor side, John will be working alongside CEOs and CMOs from mid-sized enterprises to best utilize Gartner’s resources to improve their businesses. Today, he talks about his future position, being recruited, and changing his major.

At the Center for Career Exploration and Success, we are excited to have Gartner as a Career Partner. Our Career Partners support innovative career development programming that exposes Miami students to the world of work and prepares them for meaningful careers.

What was your favorite part about Gartner during the recruiting process?

The people. Traveling all the way to Fort Myers, Florida for an interview can be intimidating, but Gartner recruiters did an excellent job of making us as comfortable as they could despite the pressure. Additionally, the Fort Myers office is one of Gartner’s newest and largest. Getting to see the modern-style office I’ll have the opportunity to work in was a very cool experience.

What’s your best advice for the office?

Stand out. You will grab attention by exercising leadership, communication, initiative, and work ethic. Remember that at the end of the day a group of people will sit down and reflect on every intern’s performance; you want to be the bar to be measured against during that meeting.

How did you prepare for the job search during your time at Miami?

I went to the career center several times in my first two years at Miami. I participated in the Resume, Mock-Interview, and LinkedIn workshops. I’d argue the LinkedIn workshop is the reason I feel confident about my LinkedIn account today, and a large part of why I have over 500+ connections. I also engaged in some career advising from the Career Center during my sophomore year. As someone who changed their major near double-digit times, I came in looking for help on selecting one that fit me best. The result was my drive to get into the Farmer School and ultimately my job at Gartner.