
Club Sports Weekly Update 04/09-04/015

Baseball: Lost to Ohio State

Men’s Ultimate: Came in 6th place in Sectionals

Miami Skating: Finished 4th at Intercollegiate Nationals

Rowing: Home regatta at Hueston Woods. Hosted 8 teams.

Broomball: Finished 3rd at Nationals after losing in the semifinals

Quidditch: Attended Quidich National Tournament. Made it to sweet 16.

Women’s Volleyball: Won Silver Bracket in Division 1AAA of National Tournament.

Tennis: Completed in USTA Tennis on Campus Nationals. Placed 4th in the copper bracket.

Running: Went to NIRCA Track and Field Nationals, Robby Alexander claimed All-American for 4th place in the 5K.

Men’s volleyball: Completed in National Club Volleyball Tournament. Finished with a 7-1 record, placed 3rd in the country.

Club Skating
Club Quidditch

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