
Miami Club Dodgeball’s Historic Semester and #1 National Ranking 

group photo of miami's dodgeball team

Miami Club Dodgeball had a great semester! They finished the first semester 8-1 and are the number-one ranked team in the country! In their last tournament of the semester, they beat BGSU 4-1, UC 3-1, and NKU 5-0. Next semester, they will compete in the Ohio Dodgeball Cup and the NCDA National Championship. Back in September Miami’s team beat Ohio University for the first time in over four years 2-1.

We asked the club’s president Max Edling how he got involved with Club Dodgeball.

“I got involved in Club Dodgeball through Mega Fair and the amazing leaders of the club my freshman year! Having the opportunity to travel around the Midwest and play other schools is very fun and is a great way to make friends with your teammates. What I love most about college dodgeball is the people I meet throughout the league and the ability to be competitive.”

Miami Club Dodgeball is a competitive team that competes within the National Collegiate Dodgeball Association (NCDA). The team practices every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-7:30 at Phillips Hall. For more club information, contact President Max Edling at edlingme@miamioh.edu. For more league information, visit ncdadodegball.com, and the NCDA on Instagram and YouTube.

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