Currently, email is our main method of communication about QTFSA events and information. We have established a listserv for people on campus and in the surrounding community who want to know about, discuss, and participate in projects involving the QTFSA.
The QTFSA listserv is an automated mailing list for a group of people interested in a topic. Members of the listserv can send an e-mail message to all of the other subscribers on the mailing list by sending a message to
This listserv is openly moderated, which means that only members of the listserv can send messages.
If you wish to become a subscriber (or remove yourself from the subscriber list), you can email the QTFSA at If you wish to be a subscriber and remain anonymous, you may conceal your membership on the list. Instructions for doing this will be sent to you when you first subscribe to the QTFSA listserv.