The email below was sent to all Chestnut Fields Parking Permit holders on 5/7/24 making them aware of the upcoming parking restrictions in the Chestnut Fields parking lot.
Parking Restriction May 15-21
ShareFest is an annual collection drive which accepts good-condition and reusable furniture, housewares, clothing, and non-perishable food from Miami University students and Oxford residents. Once again this year, ShareFest is basing its collection operations in the Chestnut Fields parking lot which will require a number of parking spaces to accommodate them.
If your car is parked in one of the highlighted areas below please move it before Wednesday, May 15th at 7 am so the semi trucks can be positioned. Cars parked in the yellow area after 7 am on Wednesday May 15th will be cited and towed out of the area at the owner’s expense.
Alternative parking options include: The empty spaces on the west side of the lot, Millett West parking lot, and starting Saturday you may park in red permit areas throughout campus until the end of the semester since Miami does not enforce permit restrictions during move-out week so parents can pick up their students. (Meters and garages still require payment.)
Ways to Help
For more information about ShareFest, including making donations of goods, volunteer signup, or making a contribution, visit their website.
Parking and Transportation Services
Nellie Craig Walker Hall, room 34
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 529-2224