Parking Permits Required
A permit is required to park in a University parking lot or on a University drive at all times. Fall parking permits are valid through the first day of spring semester, and spring semester parking permits are on sale and are valid Dec 10 to May 15.
For Winter Break and Winter Term (Dec 15 at 7 am to Jan 29th at 7 am): Cars with yellow permits may park in red-permitted lots and roadways, provided that the signs do not say “Red permits only at all times” (ie the Hepburn and Roudebush lots).
Leaving your car in Oxford over winter break?
Student vehicles with a valid parking permit (blue or yellow) may leave their cars in the west Millett, Ditmer or Chestnut Fields lots over the winter break and J-term. When parking in these lots, do not park where signs indicate “No overnight parking”.
Please consult the parking map or call the Campus Services Center if you are unsure of where to park over break.
Garage vehicle storage also available over winter
If you wish to leave your car in a covered garage for Winter Break & Winter Term, spaces will be available in the North parking garage (by the Engineering Building) for vehicle storage. If you already have a garage permit you do not need to purchase this additional access. If you do not have a garage permit you may purchase this option with or without a yellow permit. This option costs $160 for the winter break/term. Please call, email or stop by the Campus Services Center to have this access added to your ID card.
Loading and Unloading: How to use the vehicle log-in policy for move out.
If you need to pull up in front of your residence hall at a time when you ordinarily would not be allowed to park there, you may utilize the log-in policy below to load or unload your vehicle to avoid being cited. A valid permit is required to utilize the log-in procedure. Vehicles parked illegally in restricted areas, service drives, yellow zones and loading zones may be cited.
To use the log-in policy, call 513-529-2224 or email with your name and the location where your vehicle will be parked. You will be granted 20 minutes to load/unload your vehicle from the time you leave a message with the Campus Services Center. If you receive a parking violation during the time you are logged in, contact the Campus Services Center with the ticket number and we will waive it. Students may use this procedure up to 4 times per semester
Oxford prohibits parking on city streets for more than 72 consecutive hours.

Oxford city ordinances prohibit parking on city streets for more than 72 consecutive hours(including streets that pass through campus such as Oak St., Maple St., Patterson Ave., and Tallawanda Rd.). Many Oxford streets are also designated as snow routes where parking is prohibited when snowfall reaches 3 inches or greater. Advise your off-campus friends that they may wish to purchase a parking permit and store their vehicle in west Millett, Ditmer or Chestnut Fields lots over the winter break to avoid fines, immobilization or towing for being parked over 72 hours on a city street
Information about parking in Oxford is available on the city’s Website at:
BCRTA Transit Service
BCRTA Regional Route R3 will run every two hours from November 26th to January 28th. BCRTA Regional Routes R1, R3 and R4 will NOT operate Christmas Day, but will resume Wednesday, December 27th.
Limited bus service will be available on campus during the winter term, Jan 2 – Jan 28 including the U1W route to Walmart, Kroger & Campus and the P2 Route throughout campus & the perimeter parking lots. See BCRTA’s website at call (513) 785-5237 for details.
Have a safe and enjoyable winter break!
Miami’s Campus Services Center
301 South Campus Avenue, room 34
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 529-2224