Registration is now open for the conference. Please follow the directions below and click on the registration button at the end. 

NB: You must be a member of INCS to attend and present at the conference. You can pay your membership dues or renew an existing membership on the INCS Membership page

Once you have paid your dues, you’ll be able to register for the conference.

Select the corresponding registration price:

Early birds (by February 29, 2024): 

$225 (tenured and tenure-track faculty)

$175 (non-tenure-track and independent scholars)

$125 (graduate students)

Full freight (starting March 1, 2024):

$275 (tenured and tenure-track faculty)

$200 (non-tenure-track and independent scholars)

$150 (graduate students)

Provide your badge info.

Indicate your dietary restrictions/preferences for the lunch banquet (Saturday, March 23, $40.00), whether gluten-free and/or vegetarian.

Last, pay & finish!

Questions? Contact us at