At Coyote Logistics, a UPS company, it all starts with our people. We are a Pack — we take care of each other and share in each other’s success. That is, and always will be, one of Coyote’s core values.
When looking for new Coyotes to join the pack, it was an easy decision to become a Career Partner with Miami University’s Center for Career Exploration & Success (CCES). Together, we combined our networking abilities to create a successful on-campus recruiting strategy. Our newest recruiter is a key example of this success.
Meet Caitlin Roth.
As a junior at Miami, Caitlin found Coyote at Miami’s Fall Career Fair where she was enamored with the energetic recruiters providing a real-life glimpse into the vibrant culture of Coyote. Ultimately, Caitlin chose Coyote’s summer internship program for the extensive training and opportunity to have the same responsibilities as a full-time sales representative.
After a successful internship, Caitlin spent her senior year spreading the word about Coyote on Miami’s campus. That fall, Caitlin assisted our recruiters at the Career Fair, where she experienced the strong relationship between Coyote and CCES. Thanks to Miami’s diverse academic programs and the efforts of CCES, Coyote recruiters always meet top-quality candidates who are prepared for their future careers.
Caitlin recognized the opportunity for growth at Coyote from her internship experience. After graduating Cum Laude with a degree in Strategic Communication and Professional Writing, she started her Coyote career as a National Account Manager in 2017. Caitlin learned firsthand the importance of educating students on Coyote’s career opportunities. She is excited to take advantage of the Career Partners Program with CCES as Coyote’s newest recruiter!