Hi! My name is Abby Solon and I am a junior here at Miami University. Right now, I am enjoying an Arts Marketing and Communications internship at the Miami University Art Museum (MUAM), and continuing my studies of Anthropology, Arts Management, and Entrepreneurship. In my free time, I love painting, reading, listening to music, and being with my friends.
Since I was little, I have always wanted to work in an art museum, and I am very thankful to have the chance to work here at one on campus, and learn as much as I can about the field. In the future, I hope to further my career at an art museum in a big city! The exhibitions I am focusing on here are Life Cycles: Death and Illuminating the Past: Utilitarian Ceramics of the Ancient World. My role is to help market these exhibitions out to students who may or may not be in art, and encourage them to see all the museum has to offer. Since I am also an anthropology major, I offer a new perspective on the study of art, from a humanistic and archaeological point of view, and I hope to learn more about how the two studies can intertwine.

Both exhibitions will be open now until December 14, come and check them out! Also, MUAM is very excited to be hosting a symposium for Illuminating the Past on October 19, where five established speakers will be covering topics related to the exhibition. If you are interested in attending this event, please register at https://tinyurl.com/IllumSymp, anyone who is interested can come and learn more about ancient ceramics and cultures.

I will also be working on marketing for Global Perspectives, our ongoing exhibition featuring works from non-European and non-American cultures in this gallery explore world cultures from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Pre-Columbian South America, Japan, China and India. Travel through time across countries and learn how art has evolved in different ways!
We are offering several special events in the coming months, so be sure to keep up with our social media and schedule a visit. My fellow interns and I will be putting out updates and new content regularly, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest!
We hope to see you soon!