March, 2022
We are really excited and humbled to receive a CAREER award ($900,094) from the Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) of National Science Foundation (NSF) for investigating genetic and epigenetic regulation of meiotic recombination between sexes in maize. See the Miami news here.
December, 2021
- Congratulations to Liangwei on successfully defending his thesis. We wish him best for the future journey.
October, 2021
- Welcome Charlotte to join our lab as a M.S. student.
- Welcome Mahmood to join our lab as a Ph.D. student.
April, 2021
- Congratulations to Alaina on receiving the Undergraduate Summer Scholarship, and Celine on receiving the Hughes Internship. We will have lots of fun in the coming summer.
February, 2021
- Our DNA methylation and meiotic recombination paper entitled “The mop1 mutation affects the recombination landscape in maize” is finally published on PNAS. Huge thanks to our collaborators Drs. CJ Rachel Wang at Academia Sinica and Damon Lisch at Purdue University. Great thanks to all the students in the Zhao lab for the past two years. Our research was also highlighted by Miami News!
December, 2020
- We are excited to receive a faculty research grant award including a Summer Research Appointment, a Research Graduate Assistantship, and a Grant to Promote Research by the Committee on Faculty Research (CFR) of Miami University.
December, 2020
- Congratulations to Diya on successfully defending your thesis. Now you are a Master. We wish you best for your future journey.
November, 2020
- Super excited to host Dr. John Fowler from Oregon State University to give us a talk. Please come to join us.
October, 2020
- Congratulations to Beibei on publishing her first author paper “Analysis of CACTA transposase genes unveils the mechanism of intron loss and distinct small RNA silencing pathways underlying divergent evolution of Brassica genomes” on the Plant Journal. Well done!
February, 2020
- We are really excited to receive an award ($431,364) from General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health for investigating genetic and epigenetic effects of transposable elements on meiotic recombination. See the Miami news here.
January, 2020
- Welcome Beibei to join our lab as a Ph.D. student.
October, 2019
- Zhao lab received 30,000 computational research units from Ohio Supercomputer Center for the work “High-resolution crossover mapping to determine the effects of DNA methylation on meiotic recombination in maize” .
October, 2019
- Welcome Tong from China Agricultural University to join our lab as a visiting PhD student.
September, 2019
- Honored to host Dr. James Schnable to give us a talk at Biology department.
August, 2019
- Welcome Liangwei to join our lab as a PhD student.
June, 2019
- Welcome to visit Miami University, Zulfikar.
- Congratulations to Claire on receiving the Undergraduate Summer Scholarship, and
Tyshwan on receiving the NSF REU scholarship. We will have lots of fun during the summer.
April, 2019
- Super excited to host Dr. Jianxin Ma to visit here. Please come and join us. His talk is at April 25 4:15 pm, 218 Pearson Hall.
- Guys, thanks for your hard work in my lab!
March, 2019
- Zhao Lab in St. Louis to attend the 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference.
Summer 2018
- Pollination at ERC
- Future Maize Geneticist!
- Weeds! Weeds! Weeds! Lots of weeds!
- Planting at ERC
June 2018
- We are super excited to move to Miami University. Zhao lab is officially established.