Samuel Johnson
John Watson
I Corinthians 1:25
About Me
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion, 6th ed. (2019)
- Makerspaces: A Practical Guide for Librarians, 2nd ed. (Revised by Ellyssa Kroski) (2018)
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion, 5th ed. (2016)
- Makerspaces: A Practical Guide for Librarians (see my interview in MakerBridge) (2014)
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion, 4th ed. (2013)
- Embedding Librarianship in Learning Management Systems (with Beth E. Tumbleson – see a sample chapter) (2013)
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion, 3rd ed. (2009)
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion, 2nd ed. (2006)
- Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion (2001)
- Intronet: A Beginner’s Guide to Searching the Internet (1999)
- Learning the Internet: A Workbook for Beginners (1996)
- Burke, J. J. and Tumbleson, B. E. (2019). Mentoring in Academic Libraries. Library Leadership & Management, 33(4), 1-19, DOI: 10.5860/llm.v33i4.7348.
- Tumbleson, B., Burke, J., and Long, J. (2018). Assessment, Analytics, and Analysis: Demonstrating the Impact of LMS Embedded Librarians on Student Learning. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 1-19, DOI: 10.1080/1533290X.2018.1499252.
- Maceli, M., & Burke, J. J. (2016). Technology Skills in the Workplace: Information Professionals’ Current Use and Future Aspirations. Information Technology and Libraries, 35(4), 35-62.
- Burke, John J. and Beth Tumbleson. Learning Management Systems: Tools for Embedded Librarianship. Library Technology Reports. 52:2 (February/March 2016).
- Kvenild, Cassandra, Beth E. Tumbleson, John J. Burke, and Kaijsa Calkins. “Embedded Librarianship: Questions and answers from librarians in the trenches.” Library Hi Tech News (2016).
- Tumbleson, Beth E. and Burke, John J., “Comfort Food for All: The Scalability of LMS-Embedded Librarianship” (2014). LOEX Conference Proceedings 2012. 2.
- Assistive-Adaptive Technologies: An Excerpt from Library Technology Companion, 4th edition (article for American Libraries, November/December 2013)
- The Case for Textbooks (article for American Libraries, March 2010, with Krista McDonald)
- Cutting Course Material Costs to Increase Student Success: The Case Studies and Support You Need to Make a Change (Presentation with Jill Gomez, Leah Henson, and Caryn Neuman at Miami University Regionals Recharge 2025).
- Replace Your Textbook: Practical Approaches to Pursue Affordability and Inclusive Excellence (Presentation with Jill Gomez, Krista McDonald, and Jennifer Mysona at Reimagining the Academy Conference 2024).
- Affordability by Design: Guiding Faculty Members on Using Textbook Alternatives Through a Self-Paced LMS Course (Lightning Talk at OpenCon Ohio 2024).
- In College, No One Knows You’re ChatGPT: Taking the Fear Out of AI and Information Literacy (Presentation with Jessie Long at the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) Library Conference 2024).
- Textbook Affordability and Student Success: What Students Say and What We Can Do (Presentation at the Association for University Regional Campuses of Ohio (AURCO) Conference 2024).
- You Take the Good, You Take the Bad, the Facts of AI: How Students Are Using AI and What We Can Teach Them (Presentation with Jessie Long at the Association for University Regional Campuses of Ohio (AURCO) Conference 2024).
- Replace Your Textbook: Practical Approaches to Increase Affordability and Remove Barriers to Learning (Presentation with Jill Gomez, Krista McDonald, and Jennifer Mysona at Miami University Regionals Recharge 2024).
- Wikipedia assignments: A structured method for teaching course content alongside information literacy skills. (Poster session at the 2023 ACRL National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA).
- Now We Know: Student Experiences of and Faculty Expectations for Research Assignments (Poster session with Jessie Long at Distance Library Services Conference 2022 – full poster)
- Supporting Creative Success: 3D Printing Services in Academic Libraries (Invited presentation at the FCT NOVA Library as part of the ERASMUS+ Project “Inno 3D – 3D printing support service for innovative citizens” and in partnership with American Corners Portugal – more information)
- Do students really hate e-books?: Analyzing e-book use among college students (Presentation with Mark Shores, Krista McDonald, and Jessie Long at ALAO 2021)
- Finding a Future Together: Libraries Beyond COVID (Closing presentation at OLSSI 2021)
- Online Library Instruction Assessment: Passing Fad or Curriculum Staple? (Panel session with Cecelia L. Parks and Jenna Stebbins at ALA Annual Conference 2021 – my slides)
- Making During a Pandemic: Adapting and engaging in times of great change (Presentation with Jennifer Hicks and Jessie Long at MIRA 2021)
- Elminating Hurdles for the Underdog: How you can help financially insecure students lower costs and stay in school (Presentation with Krista McDonald at Recharge 2020)
- Make the Grade: Integrating Making into the Higher Education Curriculum (Presentation at Makerspaces for Innovation and Research at Academics (MIRA) 2019)
- Assessment, Analytics, and Analysis: Demonstrating the Impact of LMS Embedded Librarians on Student Learning (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Jessie Long at DLS 2018)
- Be a Force for Affordable Learning! (Presentation with Carrie Girton and Carla Myers at Recharge 2018)
- Transform the Path of a Library Career: Empowering Librarians Through Mentoring (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at ALAO 2017)
- Library Services in Learning Management Systems (Webinar presented with Beth Tumbleson for ALCTS (Association for Library Collections and Technical Services))
- Making Ends Meet: What Library Makerspaces Need to Succeed (Presentation as part of NISO Webinar: “Make it at the Library: How Does Library Technology Support Makerspaces?” in December 2016 with George Meadows and Sara Gonzalez)
- Have It Your Way: Designing a Library Makerspace to Support Creativity and Innovation (Presentation with Jennifer Hicks at ALAO 2016)
- STEAMpunks: How Makerspaces Bring Science to Life (Panel session with Sharona Ginsberg, John Rennie, and Emily Thompson at the 2015 Charleston Conference)
- Making It Real: Why a Makerspace Might Make Sense for Your Library (Presentation at OLSSI 2015)
- Embedded Librarianship: Communicating Our Crucial Value (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at INOV8! Elevating Engagement for Students Online, ALAO DLIG 2015)
- Making Sense: Can Makerspaces Work in Academic Libraries? (Presentation at ACRL 2015; full paper)
- Academic Librarians’ Educational Role Revisited: Three Defining Studies (Panel session with Jessica Long and Beth Tumbleson at ACRL 2015)
- Sustaining and Enhancing Embedded Library Instruction in the Learning Management System (Panel session with Beth Tumbleson, Cass Kvenild, and Kaijsa Calkins at ACRL 2015)
- Making Your Case: Implementing a Library Makerspace on Campus (Roundtable at ALAO 2014)
- What Motivates Makers?: The Inspirations of Library Makerspace Creators (The 2014 Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians)
- Thinking Like a First Year Student: Academic Librarians’ Educational Role (ACRL Instruction Section Discussion Forum with Jessica Long and Beth Tumbleson at ALA Annual Conference 2014)
- iPad, YouPad: Circulating iPad Collections in Academic Libraries (ACRL Preconference workshop with Jessica Long and Beth Tumbleson at ALA Annual Conference 2014)
- Librarians in the Cloud: eLearning Meets Information Literacy (Panel session with Cass Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, and Beth Tumbleson at DLS 2014)
- Becoming Part of the LMS Sandwich: The Embedded Librarian in the Learning Management System (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Jessica Long at IOLUG 2013)
- Libraries Remain Relevant: Circulating iPads (Presentation with Chris Mull and Beth Tumbleson at ALAO 2013)
- The New Face of Textbooks: Guiding Faculty Toward Alternatives (Poster session with Carrie Girton at ALAO 2013)
- Don’t Space Out!: Re-envisioning and Revitalizing Library Space (Poster session with Jessica Long and Beth Tumbleson at ACRL 2013)
- Invited Guests: Embedded Librarians in the Learning Management System (SOCHE Talk 2012)
- A Foot in the Door: Marketing LMS Embedded Librarianship to Faculty (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at ALAO 2012)
- Inside Job: Embedded Librarianship in the LMS (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at ALAO IIG Workshop 2012)
- Comfort Food for All: The Scalability of LMS Embedded Librarianship (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at LOEX 2012)
- Research to Go: Taking an Information Literacy Course Online (Presentation with Jessie Long and Beth Tumbleson at DLS 2012)
- Transition Mission: Academic & School Librarian Collaboration for Student Success (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Cheri Pandora at ALAO 2011)
- This Old Library: Revitalizing Your Library Space Through Moving, Mixing, Mashing, and (a Little) Money (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Jessica Long at ALAO 2011)
- A Declaration of Embeddedness: Instructional Synergies and Sustaining Practices in LMS Embedded Librarianship (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at ACRL 2011; full paper)
- Audiovisual Conundrums: Legality vs. Equality With Media Resources (Presentation at INOV8: Revitalizing Distance Learning Conference, ALAO DLIG, 2011)
- When Life Hands You Lemons: Overcoming Obstacles to Expand Services in an Embedded Librarian Program (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson at 14th Off-Campus Library Services Conference in 2010)
- Are You Ready to Roll?: Expected Technology Competencies and the Library Worker (Presentation at Michigan Library Association 2009 Annual Conference and as a Technology Spotlight at ALAO 2009)
- Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in New Spaces: The Blackboard Embedded Librarian (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Sarah Frye at Michigan Library Association 2009 Annual Conference)
- Embedded Librarians Meet Students in Space (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson and Sarah Frye at the Academic Library Association of Ohio 2009 Annual Conference)
- Use Your Powers for Good, and Not for Evil: Expected Technology Competencies and the Library Worker (Presentation at OLSSI 2009)
- The Perfect Number is Three: An Ad Hoc Alliance Takes on Technology Fluency Assessment (Presentation with Ellenmarie Wahlrab and Andrea Han at SEED 2009).
- Faculty-Librarian Collaboration: the Blackboard Embedded Librarian (Presentation with Beth Tumbleson, Sarah Frye, and Ellenmarie Wahlrab at AURCO 2009)
- Library 2.0 PDQ: Meeting the Challenges of the Rapid Growth of Distance Learning and Off-site Courses at a University Regional Campus (presentation with Beth Tumbleson at 2008 LITA National Forum).
- Textbooks on Reserve Programs at Regional Campus Libraries (Presentation with Krista McDonald at AURCO 2008)
- You Can’t Do That!: Library-Initiated Textbooks on Reserve Programs (Presentation with Krista McDonald at ALAO 2007)
- Calling on Q: Library Applications of Mashups and Customized Search Engines (Speed update at OPAL ‘007).
- Defeating Dr. No: Library Initiated Textbooks on Reserve Programs (Presentation with Krista McDonald at OPAL ‘007). Here is the PowerPoint and the handout (PDF).
- Life Preserver or Anchor?: Implementing a Textbooks on Reserve Program in the Library (Poster session with Krista McDonald at ACRL 2007) Here is the handout from the session and a file of slides from the poster itself (both in PDF).
- Part-Time Author, Full-Time Librarian – Ohio Library Council Annual Conference 2005
- Extreme Makeover: Library Edition – OPAL Annual Conference 2005
- Educational Opportunities for Library Support Staff in Ohio – OLSSI 2003
- Effective Web Searching Strategies – OLSSI 2003
- How Emerging Trends and Technologies Will Affect the Library – ALAO-SSIG 2003
- Ohio Library Support Staff Institute – ALAO 2002
- Library Technology Awareness Resources
- Makerspace Resources
- Library Technology Skills Survey Results, 2015
- Makerspaces in Libraries Survey Results, 2013
- See my publications in the Scholarly Commons @ MU
Important Stuff
A word I invented long ago with Bart Hollingsworth: Librarianatev. 1. To act in a manner that the general populace would characterize as “being a librarian” (i.e. cataloging socks, feeling compelled to answer any and all questions raised in conversation). 2. To excel in the work of a librarian for a momentary or prolonged time period (“Rita was really librarianating today!” or “Simply put, Ms. Nelson librarianates more than anyone else in the department.”)
n. The massed collection of librarians in a locality or within a political boundary (“This letter is addressed to the librarianate of Sioux Falls, Idaho” or within the populace at large (“Who is better equipped to respond to the crisis of fake news sources than the librarianate?”)