30 at 30: Tracie Mackey

Name | Years at Miami | City, State 

Tracie Mackey | 1991-1995 | Atlanta, GA

Job Title | Current Employer

Senior Field Leader | SweatHouz


1995 Exercise Science.

Learn About Tracie

I was part of the inaugural staff and it was so exciting! I had never seen a building so beautiful. It was very cutting edge even in today’s standards. When I started, I worked the front desk, but when I ended, I was a Fitness Center Supervisor.

The knowledge and values that I gained at Miami University are unparalleled. I have continued in the health and wellness field and have worked for companies including Planet Fitness, Stretch Zone, XPonential Fitness and SweatHouz currently. I enjoy helping others on their wellness journey and seeing the transformational results and hearing the life changing stories from those I have helped along the way.

I stretch daily and use Contrast Therapy (Sauna+Cold Plunge) 3-5 times a week. I love anything outdoors including going to the beach, short hikes, and spending time with family.

It was a collective effort and I learned from everyone that I came in contact with. I gained so many skill sets that have enabled me to advance my career. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for Miami University and the Recreational Center.

Being an inaugural Fitness Supervisor at Miami Recreation center laid the foundation for my entire career. I am very grateful for the experiences and knowledge that I have gained. 

Enjoy and savor every moment as there is no school like Miami University. The friendships and the memories will last a lifetime.

I remember walking in the Miami Recreation Center as it was being built and it was the most beautiful building that I had ever been in at the time. I can still recall the smell and the feeling of awe and wonder that came upon me. As I type, I am taken back to that day. A smile is coming across my face and I feel nostalgic. Thank you!! 

Awards / Recognitions / Personal or Career Accomplishments

I have received lots of awards and recognition over the years, but none are as important to me as being a part of the inaugural staff at Miami University Rec Center! 

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