30 at 30: Lauren Olson

Name | Years at Miami | City, State 

Lauren (Martini) Olson | 2000-2004 | Columbia, SC

Job Title | Current Employer

Associate Director of Campus Recreation | University of South Carolina


Bachelor of Science in Health and Sport Studies (2004)

I worked as an official, supervisor & office assistant within Intramural Sports. I also played, served as an officer and coached for Women’s & Men’s Club Volleyball. Finally, I served on the Student Recreation Advisory Board for Rec Sports.

Sports has always been part of my life, but Miami exposed me to collegiate recreation, which I made my life’s calling. Being able to provide students a safe and welcoming space to create life-long healthy habits, make & meet fitness goals, and/or build their social networks through wellness is how I have been fortunate to spend the last 20+ years of my professional career.

Walking my dog, Rev, pickleball, Body Pump & Body Balance classes, and of course, an intramural volleyball game here & there.

I would not be where or who I am today with Doug Curry, Ruchelle Dunwoody & Mike Arnos.  They saw something in me that I did not yet see in myself.  They encouraged me, challenged me and mentored me.  They still mentor me. I would be remiss if I did not also mention Ean Bett, Jim Kraus, Chad Gouin, Ralph Carey, & Ron Silico.

So thankful for my Miami family!

What started as a on-campus job to support my Brick Street tab, turned into a career, I didn’t even know existed. After officiating for a year, I was asked to be part of the intramural supervisor-in-training program. When Mike handed us all a book to read, I thought he was nuts, but I still have that book, with my notes in the margin, on a shelf in my office. Being a supervisor, training other officials and working in the office, helping participants, allowed me to see all aspects of the program. Serving on the Student Recreation Advisory Board, exposed me to other areas within Rec. Finally, playing, coaching, and serving on the exec board for club volleyball, allowed me to stay involved with my passion. I went on to be a Graduate Assistant for Intramural Sports at Indiana University and have worked for Campus Recreation at the University of South Carolina for the past 18+ years…because of what Miami allowed me to pursue.

As corny as it sounds… Get involved! Its really that simple. Try new things, meet new people, put yourself out there. Also, get an on-campus job. On-campus employers can provide excellent transferrable skills for whatever your next job is. Also, they understand what it is to be a student first and care about your progress towards graduation! 

Intramural White Elephant Gift Exchange Parties.  Those “Kung Foo Fighting” dancing hamsters were all the rage in 2003!

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So excited to see what y’all are able to put together!

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