
Student Staff Spotlight on Chloe Wright

Chloe is a motivated and enthusiastic student manager, who was promoted to her current position just three months after she started working. Her Rec journey started her freshman year and since then, she has made her mark in all areas with her hard-working and positive personality. Sadly though, she will be graduating this upcoming spring, and her enthusiasm will now be making its way into a high school classroom.

“Chloe has such incredible energy that radiates to the rest of the staff and our patrons,” said Jessie Bayer, Chloe’s supervisor.

Beyond her daily tasks, Chloe checks-in with the other staff and makes sure that they have everything needed for the day. She acts as the buffer between full-time staff and students staff.

“A normal day for me includes completing projects that my supervisor needs me to”  

Chloe states that she enjoys applying her academic skills to the tasks she’s working on. She quizzes for student staff to make sure they are up to date on all the things that have changed, as there are a lot of changes here at the Rec.

When asked what she liked the most about her job Chloe answered, “I really love the people that I work with, it’s also really flexible, I get to share my ideas and see some of them take effect”

She has also become the voice of the students who sometimes don’t get to be in meetings. She makes sure to share their ideas with the staff and provides notes back to those students.

Giggling Chloe said it is very likely that her colleagues describe her as loud, she hopes, however, that they think she’s funny and kind.

A piece of advice she would give to students seeking her position is  “if you’re motivated to be a student manager do the little things”. She explained that the little things are noticed.

She explained that during the hiring process they always look at reliability, consistency, and attendance, these are what she calls the “little things” that are highly considered.

Chloe’s goal after graduation is to be a high school English teacher. She believes her job here at the Rec is indeed preparing for her future. By managing her peers she’s learning the skills needed to earn people’s respect and trust but still having a form of authority, something she will need as a high school teacher.

Chloe works directly with Jessie Bayer (Customer and Facility Services Intern) and helps her with staffing, scheduling, and really helps to keep Jessie organized.

“She is also usually the voice of reason among our team during discussions, and is always striving to find compromises that benefit everyone,” said Jessie.

Chloe goes above and beyond on her job and her staff truly appreciates her just the way she appreciates them.

“She is continuously finding ways to help our staff improve and to support them, even inviting them to her house for breakfast to show her appreciation,” said Jessie.

Ron Siliko our Senior Director of Customer Services & Facility Management expressed his gratitude for having Chloe in the Rec staff team.

“Chloe is a kind-hearted, vocal leader who has a great ability to communicate and build relationships with all types of the customers that use the Rec Center,” Said Ron.

Pat Fagin our Customer Services Coordinator said: “Chloe is always upbeat and has endless energy which is quite contagious”.

By Dania Puente,  Miami University Rec Center Marketing Assistant

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