
Student Staff Spotlight on Aaron Watkins

Major: Finance, Class of 2019                                                                                                                                                                  Hometown: Cleveland, OH

Aaron Watkins is one of Miami Rec Sports Center’s student managers. He is well known around the Rec for his optimism and for always being “living the dream”.  Aaron goes above and beyond and always does his job with a smile. He often collaborates with the Rec’s marketing team and other departments besides customer service.

When did you become a part of the Rec staff?

My freshman year, fall of 2015.

In this position what do you do?

I work at the front desk, the Pro Shop, and informal worker. I walk around with the backpack, help with injuries, restock our Pro Shop, and help patrons out in general. As a student manager, I actually help out with some of the finances here and just try to serve as a role model for our student employees.

What do you like the most about your job?

My coworkers, easy, easy money.  They are great people,  some of my best friends on campus.

How would your colleagues describe you?

Outgoing, goofy, and driven.

As a student manager, what is a piece of advice that you would give to students seeking your position?

You have to give respect, to get respect. If you want people to respect you, you have to be able to do that too, get down the trenches with them, work with them and not just tell them what to do.

Do you think this job is preparing you for your future and career?

Absolutely, when I was interviewing for my internship they asked me: When was one time that you improved a system that was currently in place? I used the example from the Rec Center when I improved our Fellow Merit Point System, which was pretty cool. During the interview, I talked about that for a while, but that’s for the technical aspect. I have also been able to grow my management techniques and to be able to work with people, in addition to customer service.

What are your plans after graduation?

Hopefully, go into corporate finance. I’ll be working with Procter & Gamble this summer down in Cincinnati in the department of finance and accounting. After graduation I’d like to work with them if it presents, if not I’d like to explore other corporate finance options.

When are you happiest?

When I’m at work! I love working here.

What are you most passionate about?

Helping others, no doubt. I love whenever I’m put in the position where I can help others, whether is helping them professionally or personally.

By Dania Puente, Miami University Rec Center Marketing Assistant 

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