
Member Spotlight on Susan Chabot

Susan Chabot is one of our loyal Rec members and with no doubt the most competitive SilverSneaker®. She came in second place, (first place female) for the Fall into Fitness Challenge last December.  She and her husband are residents of The Knolls of Oxford and are Miami University retired faculty and staff. Her energy and determination have made an impact on the Rec Center Community and that’s why we wanted to get to know her better.

When did you become a rec member?

We moved to Oxford in 1984 and I became a member when the Rec was built in 1994. In 2004 we retired to North Carolina and lived there twelve years. Three years ago we returned to Oxford and I became a SilverSneaker® member.

What activities do you normally do here at the Rec?

I swim in the deep water power class, I do stationary bike, pickleball and I take some of the fitness classes.

Has the rec helped your health in any way?

It absolutely reinvented my whole life. I am so grateful that they had the  Fall Into Fitness Challenge from October 8th to December 8th. I was just going through a period where I had no use of my legs for three months and I couldn’t exercise.  I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and  I could no longer play tennis, a game that I played for so many years.  Someone suggested that I take a deep water aerobics class. I said, “I hate the pool, there’s no way!” I’ve never been a swimmer, I’ve never liked the water, but I tried it, and I came every day because it made my body feel a lot better.  I got started with that and later I picked up biking because the doctor said that was a good thing for me to do. Then on October 8th, this challenge came up -I’m very competitive- I came every single day, 7 days a week and I would come at about 8:30 in the morning and I’d go home at noon, and I would get as many points as I could. My points were: 5 for the pool, 5 for class, 5 for pickle, and 10 for the bike because I biked 10 miles, and that’s what I did for 2 months. It was so good because it got me in the habit of doing those things, which I never would. If that challenge wasn’t here I can’t believe I would’ve done all of those things. It was fabulous, and now I’m addicted.

What is the thing you like the most about the rec?

I really do love the way the water makes me feel. When I wake up in the morning it generally takes maybe an hour or so to get my legs moving. I head over to the pool for the morning class and get out an hour later feeling good. I am back playing pickleball and enjoy spending time with players.

What are some memorable experiences during your time here?

I love the fact that Miami students are beginning to find pickle a fun sport and that we have a really fun group that regularly join the otherwise older players. We enjoy playing with and getting to know Miami students.

Interview by Dania Puente, Miami University Rec Center Marketing Assistant 

One response to “Member Spotlight on Susan Chabot”

  1. Genevieve Francis Powell

    I know Susan Chabot. She is like a grandma to me I am ten years old and she is awesome. My dad is Cody Powell he works at Miami University he is the best dad ever .

    -Genevieve Powell

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