The grass medians at the Chestnut Fields parking lot will be replanted with low-maintenance wildflowers during the week of Mon., Sep. 21 through Fri., Sep. 25. To expedite the work and reduce the risk of damage to personally-owned vehicles, the parking spaces adjacent to the grass medians will be restricted during this time.
Tag Archives: restriction
Summer Orientation – Parking Restrictions
Miami welcomes new students and their families for 16 overnight orientation sessions between Wednesday, June 3, and Wednesday, July 1. During each orientation session, approximately 225 new students and their families will attend programs in the Armstrong Student Center and Shriver Center and stay in Beechwoods, Hillcrest, Stonebridge, and Havighurst residence halls. On select days, they will park along Western Drive and in nearby lots, including Bachelor and Cook Field. Orientation guests will also park along Maple Street on several days during orientation. Continue reading