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Bicycle Friendly University Survey Opportunity

Miami University, Oxford Ohio recently submitted an application to the League of American Bicyclists for recognition as a Bicycle Friendly University.

As part of their review process, the League of American Bicyclists welcomes input from any students, staff, faculty, alumni, or community members who are familiar with bicycle programs, facilities, and amenities on campus, and would appreciate your help sharing this survey link with others who may want to provide their input as well.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BFU2018

The survey will close on Monday, October 1.

All survey input will help inform the League of American Bicyclist’s final award decision, and will also be included (anonymously) in the Feedback Report that they will send to Miami University later this fall. The 2018 Bicycle Friendly University awards will be announced in late October.