Miami’s north parking garage beneath the Engineering Building has been closed since the beginning of July for maintenance to the structure. During that time, the south parking garage on Campus Ave. has been open and available for no fee. Beginning Mon., July 31 the north parking garage will reopen and both garages will be available for parking for no fee until Mon., Aug. 7 at which time gate operations will resume.
Parking in the north garage is $2 for the first hour and $1 for each additional hour. Parking in the south garage is $1 for the first hour and 50 cents for each additional hour. Payment may be made with credit/debit cards at the exit gates or with cash at the payment kiosk on the entry level of each garage near the elevator.
There will still be some ongoing work within the stairwells of the north parking garage, but areas to avoid will be clearly marked by contractors.
Garage access now uses Miami ID card

ID card reader
Beginning Mon., Aug. 7 students and employees who have purchased prepaid access to either parking garage will use their Miami ID card for access to the garage. If you have prepaid for garage access when you purchased your parking permit, your ID card will open the gate upon entry and exit.
To use your Miami ID card to enter the garage, tap the ID card to the sensor on the entry column when entering the parking garage — the gate will open when your card is recognized. If the gate does not open when you tap at the entry, press the ticket button on the column and contact the parking services office after parking your car. If the entry gate is open when you arrive at the garage, you should still tap your ID card upon entry or you may not be able to exit.
To use your Miami ID card to exit the garage, tap the ID card to the sensor on the exit column when exiting the parking garage — the gate will open when your card is recognized. If the gate does not open when you tap at the exit, press and hold the intercom button and someone will connect by phone to assist you. If the exit gate is open when you leave the garage, you should still tap your ID card upon exit or you may not be able to enter when you return to the garage again.
MUlaa and payroll deduction for garage parking
If you did not purchase garage access at the time you purchased your parking permit, you may still use your Miami ID card to pay for parking in the garage with your MUlaa declining balance account or payroll deduction (for eligible employees). Follow the same steps as above for entry and exit but understand that a deduction will be made from the appropriate account (MUlaa or payroll) for each transaction. If sufficient funds are not available upon entry, the card will be declined; you may still take a ticket from the entry column and pay with another method upon exit.
Questions about parking on Miami University’s campus should be directed to the parking office at (513) 529-2224 during business hours or