Golden Ox prose contest

Golden Ox submission schedule TBA soon! 

The Golden Ox awards small but mighty prose. We want to read your best flash fiction or micro essays under 1,000 words.

Please submit a flash fiction story or micro creative nonfiction essay of fewer than 1,000 words. The contest theme will be announced in the spring of 2025.

Please specify in your cover letter whether your piece is fiction or nonfiction. Also note that our submissions will close once we reach 50 total submissions, so be sure to get your submission in early!

Awards will go to three winners (1st, 2nd, & 3rd place).

Summer 2023


First Place: Chris Lombardo, “Forever War”
Second Place: Mitzi Dorton, “Potato Poultice”
Third Place: John Francis Istel, “Delivered”

Summer 2022


First Place: Heidi Nieling, “The Hand of God”
Second Place: Brett Biebel, “Deli Sliced Right”
Third Place: Melissa Rotert, “Lindy Bird Fly”

Summer 2021

The Golden Ox awards small but mighty prose: a flash fiction story or micro creative nonfiction essay of fewer than 1,000 words on the theme of biota regret.


First Place: Dr. Bunny McFadden, “The river is too wet.”
Second Place: Anissa Lynne Johnson, “JEKYLL AND FORMALDEHYDE”
Third Place: María Deguzmán, “Luz Bone”