Matt Duggan
We are crab claws bones scattered on the sand
washed up from the beach and returned to the master of sea;
detached by the beauty that resonates from the deepest surface of ocean.
Where they throw us back onto dryland believing that they can give
just enough of what we want—a veneer like salt to lassitude and distractions.
Though the sea is not our ruler who scribes out the future—
They ask that the revolution will never raise a glass to those comrades
as they’ve given us just enough of what we want—
no longer do we think while we’re mainlined into google chrome.
Matt Duggan’s poems have appeared in various journals such as The High Window, Marble Poetry Magazine, Into the Void, Confluence, The Journal. He is the winner of the 2015 erbacce-prize for poetry as well as the 2016 Into the Void poetry prize. His new full-length collection, Woodworm, is available now.