“What You Hear” by Bill Schreiber
“Notifications Off” by Charles March III
“Closing Time” by Ben Macnair
“DER KUSS” by Peter Grieco
“We Wait for Rainwater” by Tariq Karibian
creative nonfiction
“Beat” by Jack Johnson
“Dialogue; Or, My Museum of Parasocial Delusions” by Rachel Stempel
“Leap” by Isaac Richards
“Succession” by Anne Doventry
“Come Hell or Highwater” by Melissa Ridley Elmes
“Creatures of Habit” by Owen Schalk
“Inside the Shell” by Ian Woollen
“Pretentious Tree (a triptych)” by Thad DeVassie
art + new media
“Botanica” by Rahil Najafabadi
“Yayue Dancers” by Dr. Ernest Williamson III
“Fissures” by Rebecca Anderson
“Caribe Americana” by Victoria Rickards