Current and former members of the Williamson Lab coauthored a paper in Nature detailing widespread oxygen depletion in lakes around the world.  (Miami Matters article, Associated Press article)

A new R Shiny app is available to help visualize long term changes in our three core Poconos study lakes.

The Environmental Effects Assessment Panel: Summary update 2020 for policymakers is now available.  Dr. Williamson is a member of the United Nations Environment Programme Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (UNEP EEAP) on ozone depletion and climate change.

Nicole Berry published the results of her Master’s research in PLOS One.  Her findings show that mosquito larvae are sensitive to solar UV radiation, but a habitat rich in dissolved organic matter may provide a refuge.

Research by Keiko Wilkins on the effects of DOM source on Daphnia growth and survival was published in the Journal of Plankton Research.

Undergraduates Lauren Lynch, Will Swales, and Alyssa Cassidy participated in the 2020 Undergraduate Research Forum.

Update: Graduate student Keiko Wilkins, who completed her Master’s in the GCLL, was selected as part of the first cohort of the Limnology and Oceanography Research Exchange (LOREX) program, sponsored by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).  During January 2020, Keiko was in Australia conducting coral research.  The program is designed to promote international research opportunities for graduate students.

PhD student Nicole Berry traveled to Lake Huron for some winter limnology as part of her research on the effects of UV on the fisheries of the Great Lakes.

Dr. Williamson was invited to give a seminar as part of the Great Lakes Seminar Series.  He spoke about the implications of changes in water clarity for lake ecosystem structure and function. Video Link.

A new paper in Nature Sustainability published by Williamson and fellow UNEP Panel members highlights the interactive effects of ozone depletion and climate change.  It also describes the key role the Montreal Protocol played in slowing global temperature increases by limiting ozone-depleting substances, many of which are also greenhouse gases.  Miami University press release

Our long-term data from three lakes in Pennsylvania are now available on EDI.  These data span several decades and are comprised of 45 variables, including unique optical measurements.

Nicole Berry defended her Master’s thesis entitled “Does dissolved organic matter protect mosquito larvae from damage by solar ultraviolet radiation?”.  She’ll continue on in the Global Change Limnology Lab pursuing her PhD.

Graduate student Rachel Pilla was awarded a Sentinel North Ph.D. Research Scholarship to study abroad with Dr. Raoul-Marie Couture at Laval University during spring semester.

Graduate student Rachel Pilla recently won a miniDOT logger from PME to better understand dissolved oxygen and temperature dynamics in a clear lake in northeastern Pennsylvania.

A special collection, celebrating the 15th year of publication of Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, featured a paper that was co-authored by Dr. Williamson.  It was selected as one of the most highly cited or downloaded papers in this journal in 2010.

Our Williamson et al. 2016 paper in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment was chosen to be included in a special Joint Virtual Issue of the Ecological Society of America and the British Ecological Society on “Extreme events, ecosystem resilience, and human well-being.” This special issue included a collection of about 30 papers across all of the journals in the two societies.

PhD student Rachel Pilla’s recently published study is a Featured Research Spotlight, outstanding article in EOS, the online newsletter of the American Geophysical Union.

Undergraduate Donna Nguyen is featured in Miami Moments, discussing her big data research

Study models how increased precipitation and consequent lake browning decrease the potential for solar disinfection of pathogens in inland waters. Full text in Scientific ReportsMiami University press releaseNewsweekInternational Business TimesAustralian Water AssociationEnvironemtal MonitorWVXUand more

Miami aquatic ecologists recognized in Top 60 Papers in the journal Limnology and Oceanography.

Study of 235 lakes on six continents shows an overall increase in surface water temperature (global mean = 0.34 degrees C per decade), though both warming and cooling were observed depending on local characteristics and climate. O’Reilly, C. M., et al. (2015), Rapid and highly variable warming of lake surface waters around the globe, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL066235 PDF, AGU press release

New research laboratory at Lacawac Sanctuary furthers goals of Miami University’s Center for Aquatic and Watershed Science