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E-Learning Research Fellows 2016-2017

Deadline Extended —– submit your application by 9/9


minds together


Are you passionate about technology and innovation in teaching and learning?  Do you have an idea for researching learning technologies, or online/hybrid learning environments?


The E-Learning Research Fellows Program is designed to support and promote scholarly works involving innovations in educational technology, as well as research on online and hybrid learning environments.

Possible project outcomes include:

  • Publication & Presentation

  • Grant-Funded Initiatives

  • Professional Presentations

During the program, E-Fellows will engage with E-Learning and other faculty while embarking on a scholarly work. Those E-Fellows who complete the program will receive professional development funds up to $1,500.

To learn more about the program, contact the Research Fellow Coordinator, Tom Mays at maysta@miamioh.edu, or visit the Regional E-Learning website.

About Robyn Charlton

Robyn is Coordinator of Online Faculty for Miami University Regionals' E-Campus.