Essential Resources from Regional E-Learning’s 2016-2017 Opening Workshops




Were you unable to attend this year’s 2016-2017 Opening Workshop earlier this week?   Don’t worry, Regional E-Learning has you covered.  You will find links to our two Opening Workshop presentations below.




Do you have a classroom problem that technology might help you solve?   Check out Janet Hurn’s “Cool Tools” presentation.  Click on the image to access

Cool Tools


Are you wondering what ways that you might expand your use of Canvas?
Check out Anise Simpson and Janet Hurn’s presentation about “Intermediate Canvas Tools” and what new things are coming in Canvas.  Click on the image to access

Intro and Intermediate Canvas Pres


 Let us know if you have questions or would like to meet with us to discuss translating this new information into your courses.  —  513-217-4003
Have a great start to your semester!

About Robyn Charlton

Robyn is Coordinator of Online Faculty for Miami University Regionals' E-Campus.